- FREE SAME-DAY SHIPPING (Must order before 4 PM MST)
- 1x 45 Day (4oz) Bottle of Homeopathic HCG Diet Drops (with Vitamin B12 Supplement & NO alcohol)
- The Official HCG Diet Weight Loss Program Guide – (PDF)
- Original Pounds & Inches ebook – (PDF)
- Best HCG Recipes eBook – (PDF)
- Original Weight Loss Log – (PDF)
About Our Official 45 Day HCG Diet Program
Like the 21 day plan, this Diet Program offers you the opportunity to lose a good amount of weight, in 45 days; this is perfect if you do not have the time to exercise, and are constantly on the go for work. You will be a new person, and you don’t have to consider surgical alterations; and, within the first couple of weeks, you are going to notice certain changes, which will keep you motivated and keep you going on the plan.
Phases of the Official HCG Diet Plan:
The dieting plan itself is divided into three phases so as to allow one to measure his or her level of success throughout the entire process. Here is a brief look at what each of the phases will be like:
- First Phase: The initiation phase of the HCG Diet Plan is concentrated around teaching you how to make proper use of the HCG drops. The phase really lasts only two days, and you are actually encouraged to eat to your heart’s content while drinking up to one gallon of water per day (no less than half a gallon though).
- Second Phase: Once the first phase has been completed things will be set in full motion. As the phase continues the amount of calories you eat will gradually decrease, allowing you to shed extra fat and continue on your way to a healthy body.
- Third Phase: This is the phase where the plan sets itself apart from the myriad of fad diets saturating the market these days. After 45 days (or whenever you reach your target weight), you will start to follow what is referred to as the maintenance cycle. In other words, once you have dropped the weight, you will be given the means to keep it that way and prevent yourself from going back to square one. While you are in maintenance mode there is no longer a calorie limit for you to abide by; you will have to simply drink lots of water and carefully watch what you eat.
Why Order From Official HCG?
Because you will be taking in this product daily you should be sure that it is safe and the source is reputable. You need a source that assures you of their products’ quality and vows to keep their word concerning their 90-Day Guarantee and will not give excuses but just pay you back your money. In addition to having faith in our products, we have also highlighted some important information about our programs:
We value your choice to use our HCG products and therefore we will keep on giving you the best services and support. That’s our promise.
Debbie –
Using HCG for 20 days now and have lost 21.6lbs!! I have a very difficult time losing anything, no matter what I have tried, so I am truly excited! I am not hungry, not craving anything, and so motivated since every morning when I step on the scale I am down anywhere from .8 to 2.0 lbs!
Brenda M –
In 2011 my triglyceride levels were 1358 & my cholesterol was 311 and I was 30 lbs over weight. My health was very poor & my doctor didn’t know how I was still standing. My doctor put me on a medication, however the levels still did not come down. He wanted to put me on an additional med, but instead, I convinced him to let me try to get the levels down myself through diet. I ordered the official HCG drops and started the diet on September 2, 2011. I lost 30 lbs in 45 days and ALL my lab levels came down to normal range. I maintained my goal weight until November of 2013 when I broke my foot and was laid up for 7 months unable to cook for myself or get around easily. I lived on what my husband cooked, which was usually pizza or pasta. I am now on a second round of drops to lose the 20 lbs I gained back, am on my 4th day and have already lost 3 lbs, even after stuffing my face for 2 of those days. These HCG drops are easy to take & the diet isn’t as bad as it seems. For me, it was more about detoxing my body of the sugar and carbs that I love. After 2 weeks into the diet the first time, I didn’t want those foods at all. At the end of the diet, while maintaining, I found that I couldn’t even drink soda anymore, candy lost it’s appeal and the carbs just were not on my craving list. This diet literally saved my life! I felt that the weight loss was just an added bonus to re training myself how to eat healthy. Now, I eat to live, not live to eat! Thank you for the second chance at life!
andria dean –
I’ve been trying to lose weight and failing miserably prior to learning about this diet. I decided to give dieting one last shot and someone told me about this website. I did 3 short rounds of HCG using this brand only, and the weight just MELTED off! I am SOOO glad I found something I can stick with, and I only have 10 more pounds left to lose. So far I’ve lost 63 pounds and I couldn’t be prouder of myself! Now I only have to figure out what to do with all these ill-fitting clothes in my closet!
Sandra –
I bought the couples HCG package for me and my husband over 2 years ago and tried it but failed. I decided on 12/1/2013 to give it another try. I released 25 lbs in 30 days. I had RNY gastric bypass surgery 5 years ago and lost 135lbs but gained back 50lbs. I didn’t reach my goal of 165lbs so I decided to try HCG. It works. It helps me because I am supposed to eat this way anyway. It worked for me. I am on my second round and even though I am not doing as good as I was before I finally got under 200lbs and now I know hot to keep it off with HCG PHASE 3. It makes it easy for me. Thank you Official HCG Diet Plan.
Sharon –
I started on the HCG diet last week. From Monday, the first day of the low calorie part, to today, the very next Monday I lost 17 pounds! You must be particular and follow the plan exactly–no cheating. I have not experienced any hunger so find it easy to stick to the plan. I may have some side effects such as feeling pregnant–you know, the absolute distaste for smells and certain foods. These drops are great though!