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HCG Diet Plan

Oops! Missed a Day of HCG Diet Drops? Don’t Panic!

“The patient who is fooling himself is the one who has committed some trifling offense against the rules but who has been able to convince himself that this is of no importance and cannot possibly account for the gain in weight.” – Dr. A.T.W. Simeons

So, you’ve missed a day of taking your HCG diet drops. Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us! Whether it’s a short business trip or a visit to friends or relatives, life can sometimes get in the way. But let’s address the burning question: Is missing a day of HCG diet drops a problem?

Ideally, you should stick to the official HCG diet plan without missing a single day of taking the drops. However, here’s the good news: HCG drops stay in your system for two days, so you can easily pick up where you left off the next day. Rest assured, the HCG will continue working its magic on your hypothalamus and metabolism.

Now, while it’s okay to miss a day of HCG drops, it’s essential to be cautious and not let it become a habit. Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, the brilliant mind behind the HCG diet, reminds us that fooling ourselves won’t help. In his book Pounds and Inches, he writes, “The patient who is fooling himself is the one who has committed some trifling offense against the rules but who has been able to convince himself that this is of no importance and cannot possibly account for the gain in weight.”

In other words, if you consistently bend the rules and fool yourself into thinking it won’t impact your weight loss, you might face difficulties in achieving your desired results with the HCG diet. So, stay honest with yourself and remain committed to the protocol.

If you happen to notice weight gain while on the official HCG diet, don’t despair! Dr. Simeons suggests an apple regimen to get back on track. For an entire day, consume only apples—up to six medium-sized ones. Enjoy just enough to keep hunger at bay and reset your progress.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room—cheating on the HCG diet. While we strive to stick to the plan, occasional slip-ups can happen. If you find yourself in such a situation, here’s some clever advice on how to handle it:

  1. Laugh it off: Remember, laughter is the best medicine, even when it comes to dieting! Instead of beating yourself up, chuckle at the irony of life and move forward with a positive mindset.
  2. Learn from it: Use the slip-up as a learning opportunity. Reflect on what triggered the deviation, and come up with strategies to prevent it from happening again in the future.
  3. Stay motivated: Remember your ultimate goal and why you embarked on the HCG diet journey in the first place. Use the setback as fuel to reignite your determination and get back on track with renewed vigor.

Losing weight with HCG drops and following the official HCG diet plan requires commitment, but it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the process. Embrace the ups and downs, stay focused, and remember that every step counts towards your transformation.

Now, let’s crush those weight loss goals and show them who’s boss!


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